The Southern California News Group agrees that it’s time to break up our state’s decades-long era of single-party rule

Californians would benefit from a Legislature that sets policies based on more than one party’s tired view. Senate District 23 voters have a chance to bring a new perspective to Sacramento and should elect Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh to supply it.

Bogh is a longtime Inland resident with a wealth of experience in public service, education and real estate. She’s also amassed knowledge and insight into other issues of key importance for the area – environmental law, wage rules, tax policies and immigration, to name just a few.

In each area Bogh thinks for herself and would not be simply one more voice for the Sacramento echo chamber that’s saddled her district, and the state generally, with costly policies and laws that harm working-class residents and are generally antithetical to American values and traditions.

As a new Republican senator, Bogh knows she’d confront a steep learning curve and said she’d spend her first days looking for ways to elevate interparty communications beyond the toxic brew that prevails today. She’d also lead or join efforts to help streamline or clean up existing laws that have not worked as intended. One example she cited is the California Environmental Quality Act, a well-intending law that’s been abused by some to hold up housing and commercial developments alike.

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